Dockerized Starlab

Once you have Docker installed, you may want to see it in action. Here I demonstrate how to use Docker in a slightly different way respect what you can find around (AKA use Docker to set up a web-server or something similar).

I think Docker is a great solution to deal with easiness of installation and reproducibility in science. LXD would be probable be better. LXD already provide unprivileged containers AND is more about a container containing more than an application, while Docker is based on the idea of one container for a single app. However, I still have to try LXD.

Here I will show you how to use Docker to install and run Starlab.

NB: nVidia (AKA the most annoying GPU producer in the world) drivers, in addition to be the worst Linux GPU drivers, require a system-dependent installation. This means that you can’t just download the Docker image from my Docker registry and run a container from it, but you need to download the Dockerfile and build the image on your own. You can use the image I provide ONLY if you run the non-GPU StarLab version. And to do this you need to have a loooot of time to wait for the simulations to finish.

Create a Docker image

The image I’m going to create contains:

  • our modified StarLab version (it contains updated stellar evolution recipes), both GPU and non GPU version
  • the same version with an Allen-Santillan galactic tidal field, corrected for the non-inertial reference frame used in StarLab (at the moment this version is not working, probably because a problem in the timestep calculation, but I am working on it!)

You can use the public version and correct the Dockerfile.

It is possible to download and extract the StarLab sourced directly from the Internet but I prefer to have everything already in the folder.

First of all, create a new empty folder and cd into it. Then, copy the StarLab sources and the docker file into that folder. Mine looks like that:


where starlabAS only contains the files that differ from the versio without the Allen-Santillan tidal field.

Then, you need a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile tells Docker what it has to do in order to create your image. Which base images to use (if any), which packages to download and install and so on. Mine is:

FROM ubuntu:14.04

MAINTAINER brunetto ziosi <my email hehe>

# For the public version of StarLab4.4.4, see

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

ENV STARLAB_FILE starlabDocker.tar.gz

# Copy StarLab bundle into the image

# This has to be set by hand and MUST be the same of the host
# longisland #
#    uno     #
#   spritz   #
#  sfursat     #
# to be tested #
# ENV CUDA_DRIVER 270.41.19

# Update and install minimal and clean up packages
RUN apt-get update --quiet && apt-get install --yes \
 --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \
 build-essential module-init-tools wget libboost-all-dev   \
&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install CUDA drivers
RUN wget $CUDA_INSTALL -P /tmp --no-verbose \
      && chmod +x /tmp/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${CUDA_DRIVER}.run \
      && /tmp/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${CUDA_DRIVER}.run -s -N --no-kernel-module \
      && rm -rf /tmp/*

# Install CUDA toolkit
&& ./$CUDA_TOOLKIT -toolkit -toolkitpath=/usr/local/cuda-site -silent -override \

# Set env variables
RUN echo "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-site/bin" >> .bashrc          \
&& echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-site/lib64" >> .bashrc   \
&& . /.bashrc \
&& ldconfig /usr/local/cuda-site/lib64

# Install StarLab w/ and w/o GPU, w/ and w/o tidal fields
&& cp -r starlab starlab-no-GPU               \
&& cp -r starlab starlabAS-no-GPU             \
&& cp -r starlab starlabAS-GPU                \
&& mv starlab starlab-GPU

# Tidal field version only has 5 files different, 
# so we can copy them into a copy of the non TF version:

# starlab/src/node/dyn/util/add_tidal.C
# starlab/src/node/dyn/util/dyn_external.C
# starlab/src/node/dyn/util/dyn_io.C
# starlab/src/node/dyn/util/set_com.C
# starlab/src/node/dyn/util/dyn_story.C

RUN cp starlabAS/*.C starlabAS-no-GPU/src/node/dyn/util/ \
&& cp starlabAS/*.C starlabAS-GPU/src/node/dyn/util/     \
&& cp starlabAS/dyn.h starlabAS-no-GPU/include/          \
&& cp starlabAS/dyn.h starlabAS-GPU/include/             \
&& rm -rf starlabAS

# Compile sapporo
RUN cd sapporo/ && make && bash && cd ../

# With and w/o GPU and w/ and w/o AS tidal fields
RUN cd /starlab-GPU/ && ./configure --with-f77=no && make && make install && cd ../ \
&& mv /starlab-GPU/usr/bin slbin-GPU && rm -rf /starlab-GPU \
&& cd /starlabAS-GPU/ && ./configure --with-f77=no && make && make install && cd ../ \
&& mv /starlabAS-GPU/usr/bin slbinAS-GPU && rm -rf /starlabAS-GPU \
&& cd /starlab-no-GPU/ && ./configure --with-f77=no --with-grape=no && make && make install && cd ../ \
&& mv /starlab-no-GPU/usr/bin slbin-no-GPU && rm -rf /starlab-no-GPU \
&& cd /starlabAS-no-GPU/ && ./configure --with-f77=no --with-grape=no && make && make install && cd ../ \
&& mv /starlabAS-no-GPU/usr/bin slbinAS-no-GPU && rm -rf /starlabAS-no-GPU

# Default command.
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

The first part of the Dockerfile specify to use Ubuntu 14.04 as base image (a special version customized for Docker). Then it lists me as maintainer of the image. What follows are environment variables needed for the installation. COPY copy the Starlab sources from the host folder to the image / folder. After that I set the right variables needed to install the right CUDA drivers and libraries for each system.

After setting the environment variables, the RUN command is used to launch the update of the system indexes and packages and the installations of the needed build tools.

Then we can install the CUDA drivers and the CUDA libraries.

Because Docker add a layer for each of the Docker commands used, I minimize the number of layers running more that one bash command chaining them with &&.

The following steps are extract the sources, copy the files in the right places and compile sapporo and Starlab. Sapporo is the library that allow Starlab (developed for GRAPE) to run on the GPUs.

The final line tells Docker that a container based on this image should start with /bin/bash active.

To build the image just run

time docker build --force-rm=true -t <your registry name>/starlab-cuda-<driver version>:$(date +"%Y%m%d") .

This is my build line containing

  • time command, just to know how log does it take to build the image
  • docker build --force-rm=true build the image removing intermediate layer
  • -t to tag the image you create with a name you like, I use my Dcoker Hub username, the name of the program I’m dockerizing, if using cuda, the driver version and the build date,
  • . the final dot is not a typo, it tells Docker to build an image using the Dockerfile in the current folder.

Let’s assume that the container name is me/starlab-cuda-340.46-6.0.37-2015-06-15 At the end of the process you can check if the image was successfully created (ok, you can do this also from the errors!) by running:

$ docker images

REPOSITORY                                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            
me/starlab-cuda-340.46-6.0.37-2015-06-15    20150615            b073d414323f        
                                            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
                                            37 minutes ago      5.272 GB

Run a StarLab container

Now that you created the image, it’s time to run a container with it. To create and run a container based on your newly created image run:

$ docker run -ti --device /dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0 \
                 --device /dev/nvidia1:/dev/nvidia1 \
                 --device /dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidiactl \
                 --device /dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/nvidia-uvm \
                 -v       <abs path to host folder>:<container folder> \


  • docker run is obvious
  • -ti means open a interactive pseudo tty (that is, more or less, give me a terminal inside the container, once started, where I can run commands)
  • --device specify which devices to attach; in this case I am connecting 2 CUDA GPUs and allow for the Unified Virtual Memory to be used (it works only from CUDA6)
  • -v <abs path to host folder>:<container folder> allow to share a folder between host and container
  • me/starlab-cuda-340.46-6.0.37-2015-06-15 is the name of the image from which to create the container

You can check by running:

docker ps [-a]

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              
ccdffc10c680        me/starlab-cuda-340.46-6.0.37-2015-06-15   
                     COMMAND             CREATED             
                     "/bin/bash"         15 seconds ago    
                     STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
                     Up 15 seconds                           adoring_turing

The -a flags tells Docker to show you also the stopped containers. Note that the container has a random name given by Docker.

It is also possible to directly run commands just after the container creation, for example:

$ time echo "Hello world"
Hello world
real    0m0.000s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

$ time docker run ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world'
Hello world
real    0m0.219s
user    0m0.028s
sys     0m0.005s

In this example, the second command ran into a docker container.

We can do something better: we want a script that creates a container, start it, run some commands and then clean everything.

This could be quite easy, but we are using StarLab, that makes heavy use of pipes. I found three solutions to get it works, the last being the better.

The first attempt is something like this:

#!/bin/bash # shebang line to specify the interpreter

set -x # set -x tells bash to echo the command is going to run

# Create a docker container with devices and volumes and give it a name
docker create --name sltest -i -t \
--device /dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0 \
--device /dev/nvidia1:/dev/nvidia1 \
--device /dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidiactl \
--device /dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/nvidia-uvm \

# Start the container
docker start sltest

# Exec commands to create StarLab initial conditions
(docker exec -i sltest /slbin/makeking -n 100 -w 5 -i -u ) > makeking.out
(docker exec -i sltest /slbin/makemass -f 8 -l 0.1 -u 40 ) < makeking.out > makemass.out
(docker exec -i sltest /slbin/add_star -R 1 -Z 0.1       ) < makemass.out > add_star.out
(docker exec -i sltest /slbin/scale    -R 1 -M 1         ) < add_star.out > ics.txt

# Start kira
(docker exec -i sltest /slbin/kira -t 3 -d 1 -D 1 -f 0 -n 10 -e 0 -B -b 1) < ics.txt > out.txt 2> err.txt

# Stop and delete the container
docker stop sltest
docker rm sltest

This example make use of the STDIN/ERR/OUT redirection, but does not always work very well.

The second attempt, a little better is

set -x 

# Create env variables for the folders

# Create a docker container with devices and volumes and give it a name
docker create --name sltest -i -t \
--device /dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0 \
--device /dev/nvidia1:/dev/nvidia1 \
--device /dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidiactl \
--device /dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/nvidia-uvm \

# Start the container
docker start sltest

# Exec commands to create StarLab initial conditions
(docker exec -i sltest -c "/slbin/makeking -n 100 -w 5 -i -u ) > $DOCKER_FOLDER/makeking.out"
(docker exec -i sltest -c "/slbin/makemass -f 8 -l 0.1 -u 40 ) < $DOCKER_FOLDER/makeking.out > $DOCKER_FOLDER/makemass.out"
(docker exec -i sltest -c "/slbin/add_star -R 1 -Z 0.1       ) < $DOCKER_FOLDER/makemass.out > $DOCKER_FOLDER/add_star.out"
(docker exec -i sltest -c "/slbin/scale    -R 1 -M 1         ) < $DOCKER_FOLDER/add_star.out > $DOCKER_FOLDER/ics.txt"

# Start kira
docker exec -i sltest bash -c "/slbin/kira -t 3 -d 1 -D 1 -f 0 \
 -n 10 -e 0 -B -b 1 < $DOCKER_FOLDER/ics.txt \
 > $DOCKER_FOLDER/out.txt 2> $DOCKER_FOLDER/err.txt"

# Stop and delete the container
docker stop sltest
docker rm sltest

In this second example we make use of the internal container folder attached to a host system folder. We will found our files in ~/starlab-results.

However, the way I prefer is to make the container bash read a script in the exchange folder. To do this, we need two files.
The first create the container and launch the second, located into the exchange folder.

$ cat

set -x
# Create a docker container with devices and volumes and give it a name

docker create --name $CONTAINER_NAME -i -t \
--device /dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0 \
--device /dev/nvidia1:/dev/nvidia1 \
--device /dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidiactl \
--device /dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/nvidia-uvm \
-v /home/ziosi/tests/$CONTAINER_NAME/results/:/sl-exchanges/ \

# Start the container
docker start $CONTAINER_NAME

# Execute the script in the exchange folder
docker exec -i $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c "/sl-exchanges/"

docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME

The second may contain the instructions to run StarLab commands:

set -x

for RUN in $(ls create_*.sh); do
	echo "Run $RUN";
	/slbin-GPU/makeking -n 1000 -w 5 -i -u  > /sl-exchanges/makeking-$RUN.out;
	/slbin-GPU/makemass -f 8  -l 0.1 -u 150 < /sl-exchanges/makeking-$RUN.out > /sl-exchanges/makemass-$RUN.out;
	/slbin-GPU/add_star -R 1 -Z 0.10        < /sl-exchanges/makemass-$RUN.out > /sl-exchanges/add_star-$RUN.out;
	/slbin-GPU/set_com -r 5 0 0 -v 0 1 0    < /sl-exchanges/add_star-$RUN.out > /sl-exchanges/set_com-$RUN.out;
	/slbin-GPU/scale -R 1 -M 1  < /sl-exchanges/set_com-$RUN.out > /sl-exchanges/ics-$RUN.txt;
	/slbin-GPU/kira -t 500 -d 1 -D 1 -f 0 -n 10 -e 0 -B -b 1 < /sl-exchanges/ics-$RUN.txt > /sl-exchanges/out-$RUN.txt 2> /sl-exchanges/err-$RUN.txt;

where I take advantage of the fact that I wrote a script to loop over different simulations to be ran.

That’s it!!

More Reading
Newer// Install Docker
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