Blog pages index generator
29/Nov 2013
Since some time I was looking for a way to automatically generate an index for the pages of this blog! This would rebuild my index every time keeping automatically track of new or deleted pages.
Eventually I had time to try, and I tried in Go!:)
This is the first attempt, it could be better, but it works!
Filesystem walk from here.
package main
import (
func main() {
tGlob0 := time.Now()
// Create output file
fOut, err := os.Create("")
if err != nil {
defer fOut.Close()
// Define and implement what to do with path pieces
visit := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
// Split dir path from file name
dir, file := filepath.Split(path)
// Init list line string
line := ""
// Init and compute the level of indentation based on dit level
indent := ""
for i:=0; i < len(strings.Split(dir, "/"))-1; i++ {
indent = indent + " "
// If I reach a new dir
if info.IsDir() {
// Ignore local dir (exit function)
if strings.Contains(path, ".") {
return nil
// Create line for page with name == dirName
line = indent + "* ["+strings.Title(filepath.Base(path))+"]("+filepath.Join(path, filepath.Base(path)+".html)")+"\n"
// If I found a new file
} else {
// Only consider md files
if strings.HasSuffix(file, "md"){
fileBase := strings.TrimSuffix(file, ".md")
// Ignore files with name == dirName
if fileBase == filepath.Base(dir) {
return nil
// Create line
linkName := strings.Replace(strings.Title(strings.Replace(fileBase, "-", "_", -1)), "_", " ", -1)
line = indent + "* ["+ linkName +"]("+filepath.Join(dir, strings.Replace(file, ".md", ".html", 1))+")\n"
} else {
return nil
// Print line to file
// fmt.Print(line)
if _, err = fOut.WriteString(line); err != nil {
return nil
header := `<!--
.. link:
.. description:
.. tags:
.. date: 2013/09/03 12:24:24
.. title: for future references summary
.. slug: index
* [Blog](../index.html)
if _, err = fOut.WriteString(header); err != nil {
// Walk through folders
err = filepath.Walk("./", visit)
if err != nil {
tGlob1 := time.Now()
log.Println("Recreated pages index in ", tGlob1.Sub(tGlob0))