
Ok, it’s the n-th time I search how to pad numbers in bash.
I’ll take a note here:

printf "%03d\n" $i

Something similar in Python and Go:

t = "test-"
t.ljust(10, '0') # rjust for right padding

// LeftPad returns the string padded filling remaining left spaces to `length` with `pad`.
import "log"
import "strings"

func LeftPad(str, pad string, length int) string {
	var repeat int
	if (length-len(str))%len(pad) != 0 {
		log.Fatal("Can't pad ", str, " with ", pad, " to length ", length)
	} else {
		repeat = (length - len(str)) / len(pad)
	return strings.Repeat(pad, repeat) + str

It is also possible to do this with fmt but you still need to compute the number of char if you want to maintain the total number of printed char.

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